
*EXPIRED* Free Workout Gear

The free workout gear promotion is over. However when you register with the link below you can still get in the running to win other prizes including a trip to Bermuda, a tread mill, and other prizes.

The first 5,00 people to register for Self.com’s Reach Your Goal Program today will receive FREE workout gear from Champion (Workout Pants, Performance Tee, Texture Tee, Low Cut Socks or Cinch Sak). This free offer is only available to U.S. residents.


  1. Hi Crystal - Trying to get in touch with you - could you please provide a way - Facebook or Twitter is fine too...my email on gmail and the name is mrsdsj2007 - same as my twitter...

  2. Is this freebie still available?

  3. They never said that they reached their limit. However, I do believe the deal was only available on the 9th. Those that registered later, are still eligible for a bunch of giveaways.


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